> > > Our method for rejuvenation

Biowave System is a rejuvenation method that exploits the latest discoveries of science and technology in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Our team of doctors and beauty experts has tried to combine scientific principles with natural Bio methods.
The result of these efforts is a Hi Tech device that works in perfect synergy with a specially formulated cosmetic line based essentially on active ingredients derived from nature.

Using the know-how accumulated from years of experience, we have put together a set of unisex methods and procedures to allow you to practice a series of "self skincare", useful self-treatments, both in routine situations aimed at maintaining the skin, and in different personal situations. such as: wrinkles, skin laxity, bags under the eyes or in particular situations such as acne affection, blemishes and other skin blemishes.

The ultimate goal is to make available a global system that allows, in complete safety and effectiveness. to "play with your own skin". Not only to delay, as much as possible, the inevitable decadence of our natural coating, (anti-aging therapies) but also to guide the user to daily treatments to keep the skin healthy and young, without resorting to expensive and painful and sometimes irreversible surgical methods. In practice, Biowave System, through its device and its cosmetic line ensures, ease of use, little time, to get the best results with minimum effort.
Science and high technology that caresses taking away surgery and annoying and expensive bites.

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