The advantages of Biowave System. Non-invasive skin treatments at your home whenever you want

Numerous benefits of Biowave System for skin care
Numerous benefits of Biowave System for skin care
The problem
Cosmetic skin care products are more effective in working on the outer layers of the skin are less effective in 'acting deep, in the skin layers of the skin, where the collagen and elastin fibers are generated, and where the collagen no longer supports the scaffolding of the skin, causing wrinkles and wrinkles.
In recent years, following the pandemic that has hit the whole world, there has been a significant increase in skin care devices.
Biowave System è un kit distribuito in una valigetta professionale che consente comodo trattamenti per ogni tipo di problematica della pelle. Si compone del set di biocosmetici Biowave Skin Care, del dispositivo hi tech, Biowave Face Lifter e della guida ai trattamenti: Biowave Skin Guide: Il device incorpora le più avanzate tecnologie per la cura della pelle. Tecnologie fino adesso, impiegate nei centri medici ed estetici ed oggi finalmente utilizzabili in casa propria.
After the launch of the Biowave System kit, Newskin expands its range of beauty devices designed to improve the condition of the skin. They are devices of high design, ergonomic and easy to use, but above all effective for reducing wrinkles, bags under the eyes, improving skin laxity, reducing laculitis, burning fat, sculpting the body.domestic use