Anti-aging devices and devices, whose main objective is skin repair, are increasingly used in users' homes. If cosmetics, nutrients for the skin, fillers and anything else are not enough, here is that the focus shifts to the technological findings. But are they really effective? Do they take care of the skin? Do they reduce wrinkles? On what scientific principles are they based? What results to expect?

In the female population, mainly in the regions of the legs but also on the face, it is visible on the surface of the skin, a sort of spiderweb made up of red or bluish veins. Doctors technically define the disorder of broken capillaries "telangiectasias".
The capillaries break out for a series of reasons, the most frequent: genetics, sun damage, rosacea, skin traumas and aging.

Up to 20 years there is a constant cell renewal, but over time the capacity for skin renewal decreases. Starting from the age of 20, the first expression lines appear as a consequence of the natural facial expression. Later these signs become more evident, and more or less marked.