> > > Treatments for facial rejuvenation

Wrinkles represent the number one enemy for millions of women and men, willing to spend between 200 and 300 euros per session for a single treatment session in beauty centers.
Among the most popular methods for facial rejuvenation, we find: radiofrequency, ultrasound and photobiostimulation. The reason for the success of these treatments is soon explained. They are non-invasive, painless, without side effects with the advantage of not distorting the face and not to interrupt the working and social life of people. Generally the treatments take place in cycles of 5-10-15 sessions, as an outpatient treatment by the aesthetic doctor or in specialized beauty centers with slightly weakened machines.

Radiofrequency and ultrasound are technologues long used in the medical-aesthetic field. Machines for both treatments have the task of generating and applying electromagnetic waves on the surface of the skin.

The electromagnetic waves that cross the tissues, determine remarkable and important biological effects. In aesthetic medicine, the oscillations are made to penetrate deep beneath the surface of the skin, promoting cell renewal and repair. Radiofrequency and ultrasound are then used to tone muscles, increase blood circulation, promote lymphatic drainage, fight swelling and improve the penetration of cosmetics into the skin. they can be applied to many parts of the body, including the face, neck, arms, breasts, stomach, waist, hips, buttocks and legs. The objectives of rejuvenation treatments aim to eliminate water retention and increase the growth of elastin and new collagen.
Generally the machines designed for treatments operating under 1 MHz are referred to as radiofrequency machines and are used for the treatment of the body in which the tissues and muscles are thicker.

The mode above 1 MHz includes so-called ultrasound machines (3, MHz). Among these we distinguish the machines designed for a general treatment of the face, in which tissues and muscles are much thinner. The 5 Mhz mode is more suitable for treatment around the eye area that is more delicate .

Photobiostimulation: In a similar way to plants, our cells have the ability to absorb light and convert it into energy. The phenomenon can be explained by the analogy of UV light that stimulates an enzymatic reaction that causes the tanning of our skin. Likewise, different wavelengths of light have the ability to stimulate different enzymatic reactions that have a different effect on the skin. The colors of the LED lights are used: Red-Green-Blue.

Red light produces a bio-stimulating effect. It counteracts the processes of cellular degeneration, ideal for facial rejuvenation. Stimulates the dermis to produce more collagen and elastin.
The green light generates an anti-aging and restructuring action, increasing uniformly the brightness and tone of the skin. Reduces lines of expression, wrinkles or scars.
The blue light reduces the aesthetic effects of post acne, has an antibacterial action, ideal for skin purification

Biowave System

If you want to do without a doctor or beautician, there is a valid alternative today. It is enough to have Biowave System that at the cost of a session by the beautician allows you to practice the same treatments with the same effectiveness of salons or aesthetic doctors

The NEWSKIN proposal includes Biowave Face Lifter, an advanced device capable of performing a real face-lift. The system includes Biowave Skin Care a set of biocosmetics specially formulated to work in tandem with the device.Biowave Face Lifter is a wireless device, easy to use, portable and rechargeable and smart as a smartphone. The Biowave Skin Guidee tutorial accompanies the system's equipment. It is a "best practice" publication full of sealings and advice written by experts to optimize treatments.

The main feature, which distinguishes Biowave Face Lifter from other similar devices, is the ability to run multiple programs simultaneously in sync. For example, we can use ultrasound to counter skin laxity and simultaneously use the Photon biostimulation program. The use of this strategy allows to shorten treatment times and make therapy more effective.

The advantages of these types of treatment, especially when used with devices for home use, are:

  • The presence of several treatment programs in a single device with the possibility of combining multiple methods in sync
  • The convenience of being able to use the appliance at home or on the move at the moment you want
  • Non-invasiveness, ultrasound or biophotonic treatments are harmless, effective and even pleasant
  • Economy, a single ultrasound treatment in a medical center or beauty salon can cost thousands of euros, home treatment can save 95% of the cost
  • Skin rejuvenation treatments with Biowave System are suitable for all skin types
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