In aesthetic medicine centers, in beauty farms, beauty salons are used complex hi-tech equipment for facial and body treatments.
These are machines for treating: wrinkles, cellulite, localized adiposity, sagging skin and other skin imperfections. In the field of aesthetic medicine, technology has reached important goals and today thanks to new equipment it is possible to slow down the aging of the skin and to intervene on its many pathologies and imperfections. On the horizon, new possibilities emerge for people who want to keep themselves young and beautiful, without the need to resort to the scalpel and without slowing down their productive life.
Advances in aesthetic medicine technologies have also had important repercussions in the skin care sector. Equipment not very different from the professional ones, if not for reduced complexity and power, today can be used for car treatments directly from home without the need to go to the beauty center and especially saving considerable money on the budget for personal expenses.
A new generation of devices, simplified and low-cost, that will enter the habits of hundreds of millions of people, who can easily and easily dedicate themselves to skin care, but even effortlessly engage in skin rejuvenation or without so much difficulty remove annoying insestetism of the skin.
Creams and bio-drugs become more effective because these electric massagers favor their penetration into the depths underlying the dermis. Thanks to some technology based on scientific studies, these small devices can generate, according to the chosen program, molecular actions able to act on the fibbers and bundles of the fabric. They are micro-vibrations, photonic biostimulations, weak galvanic currents and low-frequency waves. Methods widely used in medicine that in addition to transmitting active ingredients in depth, where they really need, also have the merit of naturally promoting the growth of new collagen.
Relax wrinkles, burn adipocytes, reduce cellulite, treat acne, eliminate scraps, erase stains laborious and expensive operations that miraculously have become routine operations for everyone.
Below is a brief overview of the technologies used in these electric massagers for the skin, some also called face lifter that unlike the machines present in beauty centers, where handpieces are used in contact with the skin, controlled by an operator using a monitor, in the devices for domestic use, vibrations, currents and waves are controlled by the same caregiver on a small diplay and almost always supplied by a stainless steel head that comes into contact with the skin favored by the laying of a conductive gel.
Galvanic iontophoresisUses weak electric currents for deep cleansing treatments: pores dilations, sebum expulsions, comedones, cosmetic residues, atmospheric agents and transport of active substances in the depth of the dermis: reduction of wrinkles and fine lines, skin rejuvenation
Ultrasound: Uses ultrasonic waves that are able to penetrate into the subcutaneous layers to stimulate fibroblasts and elastin fundamental elements of collagen. a further action that can be obtained with the ultarsounds is cavitation The sound waves, at low frequency (3Mhz) painless and non-invasive, generated by the instrument, through the Ultrasonic program, act on the structure of the skin exerting on the fabric an alternating pressing action to an aspirant. This mechanical action relaxes the skin tissue and dissolves the stubborn waste, enabling the skin to better absorb the active ingredients contained in our products. The result of the treatment shows a decrease in skin laxity with a visible reduction of the bags under the eyes and under the chin.
Biophotonics: Photon technology with LEDs, (or biophotonics) and is able to generate and cure, through light radiation (red, blue, green), which with specific wavelengths (465 - 525 nm) allow to penetrate deep into the dermis by killing bacteria and stimulating natural skin repair systems
Micro vibrations: The micromassages (on the Relax device) as well as allowing pleasant and relaxing micro massages, promote the action of absorption of the cosmetic ingredients in the depth of the skin and is able to activate and accelerate the local micro-circulation of the facial areas of the dermis and muscle tissues
Biowave Face Lifter is the integrated device in the Biowave System professional case that also includes a set of biocosmetics and a treatment guide. The beauty device has the distinction of being one of the few devices that integrates 5 technologies into a single device. Technologies that allow you to be combined to work with each other. This allows to reduce treatment times and make them more effective