Very often in the aesthetic field one hears about radiofrequency or ultrasound treatments. Both technologies have long been used in the medical-aesthetic field. Machines for both treatments have the task of generating and applying electromagnetic waves on the surface of the skin.

The principle underlying these applications is based on the behavior of electromagnetic waves that, by crossing the tissues, determine significant and important biological effects: thermal, mechanical and chemical effects

The field of application of electromagnetic waves is rather large, in aesthetic medicine the oscillations are made to penetrate deep beneath the surface of the skin, promoting cell renewal and repair, toning the muscles, increasing blood circulation, promoting lymphatic drainage, fighting swelling and improving the penetration of the skin care product.
Ultrasound can be used on many parts of the body, including the face, neck, arms, breasts, stomach, waist, hips, buttocks and legs and today, thanks to the miniatuirization of the appliances can be used in the comfort of your home

Generally the machines designed for treatments under 1MHz are referred to as radiofrequency machines and are used for the treatment of the body in which the tissues and muscles are thicker. The mode above 1 MHz includes so-called ultrasound machines. Among these are the machines designed for a general treatment of the face in which tissues and muscles are much thinner. The 5Mhz mode is more suitable for treatment around the eye area that is more delicate.

Biowave Face Lifter, the device included in the Biowave Beauty Beauty Case, is suitable for ultrasound treatments. To optimize the treatment, the device must be used with the appropriate creams. Generally the regions to be treated concern the face and the region under the eyes but it is also possible to treat small parts of the body where the skin is not very thick.

The advantages of these types of treatment, especially when used with devices for home use, are:

Non-invasiveness, an ultrasound massage is harmless and also pleasant

The cost-effectiveness, a single ultrasound treatment in a medical center or beauty salon can cost thousands of euros

The security. Ultrasound for the face is considered a safe, easy and delicate skin rejuvenation treatment, however it is not recommended for use on wounds or infected areas, in the presence of pacemakers, cardiac anamnesis or other medical conditions