> > > How to remove broken capillaries?

In the female population, mainly in the regions of the legs but also on the face, it is visible on the surface of the skin, a sort of spiderweb made up of red or bluish veins. Doctors technically define the disorder of broken capillaries "telangiectasias".
The capillaries break out for a series of reasons, the most frequent: genetics, sun damage, rosacea, skin traumas and aging.

Older subjects are more likely to have broken blood vessels because the skin is thinner and weaker and collagen is not replaced as quickly as in younger skin. Obviously, their genes decisively influence the state of the skin, but there are habits of life that make the capillaries more vulnerable to breakage.
The best way to avoid the unsightly broken capillaries is to understand the causes. Repeated skin trauma from aggressive washing, exfoliating and pimples, in addition to environmental factors, such as sunburn, and extreme temperatures, are the most common causes that determine broken capillaries. Foods like, caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods can cause blood vessels to fill, which makes the capillaries more pronounced, but it must be said that they are not the cause of broken capillaries, but can accentuate the underlying redness.

How to attenuate or remove broken capillaries?

Biowave System "the beauty case" has its trump card represented by Biowave Face Lifter which, together with the biocosmetic Body Modeling, can solve, with a few weeks of self-treatment, the unsightly problem of broken capillaries. In fact, the device makes available two combinable technologies that allow to practice a single and effective treatment program. Photon red LEDs and Ultrasound  that can be activated in sync on the device.

The reason the LED works is that hemoglobin, the pigment that carries oxygen into red blood cells, absorbs light in a specific range of wavelengths (500 - 600 nm). Under high-energy light, the dilated vessels heat up, close and eventually fade.

Ultrasound enhances the effects of red light. In the treated areas of the skin there is a further increase in the temperature of the fabric, with a consequent improvement of the oxygenation of the cells with a direct reinforcing action to favor the closure and the subsequent disappearance of the broken vessels.

The application of Body Modeling contrasts ulteriorly the appearance of visible capillaries. Among the ingredients there are elements that contrast the formation of broken capillaries such as Boswellic Acid with an anti-inflammatory and elasticizing effect, useful to strengthen the fragile walls of the vessels, Caffeine that stimulates blood microcirculation, Ginkgo biloba rich in flavonoids that decrease the permeability of blood capillaries and increase their resistance.

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