Up to 20 years there is a constant cell renewal, but over time the capacity for skin renewal decreases. Starting from the age of 20, the first expression lines appear as a consequence of the natural facial expression. Later these signs become more evident, and more or less marked.

They appear especially on the face both for expressive attitudes, therefore due to the contraction of the facial muscles, and following the natural relaxation of the skin due to age. They are the natural consequence of aging: hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, which guarantee hydration, elasticity and firmness, gradually decrease and the skin begins to shrink.

In addition to physiological aging, the genetic heritage influences the predisposition to premature aging of the skin. Environmental factors and lifestyle are also reflected on the skin: smoke, alcohol, wrong nutrition or the excess of ultraviolet rays make the situation worse.

Menopause arrives in women at 50. Wrinkles in this phase increase due to the decrease in estrogen. Collagen decreases in the dermis, the protein that gives thickness, tone and elasticity to the skin, which becomes thinner, losing tone and compactness. At the same time, eyelids, cheeks and subtas appear relaxed, while the skin due to the low estrogenic concentration becomes drier due to the reduced capacity of the sebaceous glands to produce sebum. The decrease in sebum influences the skin's ability to protect the environment.

How to prevent wrinkles?

The sun is often accused of being the basis of wrinkle formation, but in reality the real problem concerns the free radicals that are produced during exposure to UV rays. A particular attention must also be paid to artificial sun rays, tanning beds and similar, which take advantage of ultraviolet rays and can encourage their formation.

Even incorrect nutrition can be a determining factor in premature wrinkles on the face. It is important to take fruits and vegetables, their lack, can lead to a cellular depletion that in the long term causes dryness, dull complexion and lack of elasticity and hydration of the skin, causing premature aging of the same.

The dry skin and the lack of essential vitamins and minerals, in fact, can cause, in addition to the problem of the skin not properly hydrated, even the marking and the appearance of wrinkles of the face, so who is predisposed to have dry skin of the face must pay attention to choose the right products to bring the skin back to the right degree of pH and humidity, and therefore to hydration and nourishment.

To prevent wrinkles and to tone up the skin of the face, it is important to massage the face, once a day, with lifting of the skin and light pressure. Fortunately technology comes to the rescue, the beauty device BioWave Face Lifter implements the Relax treatment program that allows comfortable and relaxing massages for daily skincare. The device can be used in conjunction with the Skin Cleaning cleansing and moisturizing gel. The bio cosmetic in question has been studied not to alter the hydrolipidic film produced naturally by the epidermis in order to keep it elastic, avoiding not to reduce the barrier effect that this implements.
By exploiting the multitasking capabilities of Biowave Face Lifter, simultaneously with the relaxing, cleansing and moisturizing action of the gel and Relax massage, a Photon action can be programmed. The red LED light has the ability to promote oxygenation and cell metabolism as well as the proliferation of new collagen.

Treating wrinkles mainly means starting to slow down the formation of wrinkles, intervening for example with the use of technology and specific anti-wrinkle products that help to combat the progressive loss of collagen and therefore elasticity of the skin. Biowave System treatments assisted by the Biowave Face Lifter device and the Biowave Skin Care bio cosmetics line represent a safe system to prevent and reduce wrinkle formation.
But technology and creams, although effective, are not enough. It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle that combines diet and sport, avoiding smoking, stress and limiting exposure to sunlight.

Ultrasound treatments

Ultrasound uses cutting-edge technology of low-frequency, high-speed sound waves that radiate invisible micro-vibrations into cells, helping to stimulate natural skin repair mechanisms in distinct ways. For the user this technology also implemented by Biowave Face Lifter is able to overcome the traditional cleaning treatments,